Sunday, August 11, 2024

Does the Media Go Easy on Trump's Mental Health?

           Trump rolls out his golden sneakers merch, available for $399.  (MSN photo credit)

In a recent opinion piece by professor, author and former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, Reich suggests the media is not sufficiently reporting on Trump's questionable mental health. Reich is not alone in his concern for Trump's mental stability. 

A leading psychiatrist, Dr. Lance Dodes says the evidence for Trump's dementia is overwhelming. Former Johns Hopkins University Medical School professor and psychologist John Gartner, has said Trump is "showing unmistakable signs strongly suggesting dementia." 

Trump's own father Fred suffered from dementia.

Although not a psychiatrist or psychologist, former Trump aide Omarosa Manigault Newman advisor wrote in her book Unhinged that Trump, while in office, was suffering serious mental decline falling "from quick-thinking Apprentice host to a lonely, befuddled president who rattles around the White house with rage and confusion."  

That seems to match up pretty well with Trump's current public statements and behavior. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Switcheroo Trump Now Loves Electric Cars

Trump has apparently changed his mind about electric vehicles (EVs). Now, he's not talking about EV supporters needing to "rot in hell" (see previous post below). What accounts for the change of heart?  Could it be that Elon Mush has endorsed Trump and, set up a super political action committee to help him  called  "America PAC?" Doesn't this suggest it's all about money and endorsements? Is this the way to decide what's best for our nation?

From the Business Insider article

"I'm for electric cars. I have to be because, you know, Elon endorsed me very strongly," Trump told the crowd. "So, I have no choice."

Simple as that.  If  you publicly support Trump and give him money, he'll change his political position give you what you want, or so it would seem based on Trump's words, "So I have no choice." Really? What else would this guy give away for money and endorsements?

According to this Forbes report, CNBC reported some potentially illegal shenanigans on the part America PAC. From the Forbes article:

"The PAC came under scrutiny after CNBC reported Friday a link on the group’s website directing supporters to register to vote for the most part doesn’t actually do so, but rather just collects information about them.

CNBC discovered if a user lists a zip code in a battleground state, the website leads them to a detailed form asking for much more personal information than if they report being in a non-competitive state—in which case they still aren’t actually registered to vote, though for some non-battleground state zip codes the PAC does lead them to an official voter registration link."

To lead voters to a web site where they think they are registering to vote but they really aren't sounds like trouble and has sparked an investigation by the Michigan's Secretary of State and Atorney General.